WISE - Powerfull Blockchain Integration

Hello everyone, in this new post I want to introduce the Wise project, and for more details, let's go to the following discussion:

What is Wise?
Based in Costa Rica, Wise is an innovative developer of the signal-analog-mixed-chip system that creates an eco-system that enables the IoT application universe and mobile devices to use distributed ledger technology while being supported by integration - product development circles. Enter this ecosystem by getting our ERC20 token.

Ansuz Chip Ansuz Chip, is an innovative development of an integrated circuit-analog-on-a-chip (AMS-SoC) system that empowers IoT and cellular networks through the 13 nanometer IC that introduces a new practical concept, network-based IoT mesh. Top Nanotech features 1/2 billion transistors allocated in space of 13 nano-meters. Easy to pin on any device. 
Layer Layered Bank Encryption
Three which include:
Order Confusion
1024 Encryption Key
Honey Encryption
Overcoming Content

Use content instead of hosts to find resources, enabling high durability similar to IPFS.
Layered Platform
Ansuz (HW)
AI (SW) engine
Wise (Utility Token)
Energy saving

Can be powered for two months with only a few AAA batteries.
Low latency

The AI ​​machine allows High Transaction Throughput to easily exceed 5000 Transactions per Second.
Blockchain Integration

Able to interact on the blockchain with low-level Middleware that triggers interoperability and fast transactions.
Complete Bloat Blockchain

Through strong compression and a lot of storage space provided by Flash and Cache memory can save up to 40Tbs.

Open Data Silo

We believe in free data streams that allow B2B features such as access to various types of data: Geographic location, Medical, Weather.

Token distribution

Total Supply
100 Million WSE
Target for Total Public Sales
35 Million WSE

Sale Round

Use the Case

In Smart Cities, digitally activated cars or trucks can:
Find Parking Lots to quickly use automatic payments quickly, and cause savings when you pay for what you use. Toll will also be in the same category and ease of service.

Supply Chain Logistics

Supply Chain Logistics can eliminate intermediaries to be more effective and save resources.

Regular containers require:

Requirements document will be modified and improved allowing M2M connections.

Activating the Data Market

Data Silo Case.
The data market is activated by holding 2 propositions as true:
Every IoT device has data that is useful for someone
You can trust data (ledger technology - without trust)

For example, a farmer can access data in the Market Data about:
Sensors Monitor Climate Conditions
GreenHouse automation that adjusts conditions with the given parameters
Crop Management
Animal Control
GreenHouse automation that adjusts conditions with the given parameters

Farmers can use this data to improve their settings or sell their own operating data on the market. 

Autohor: jeaniever rahardian

ETH addres: 0x42836bf737eC833228344f0841C3bD14f4D67643


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